Tuesday, 16 April 2013

seasonal photography

Picture1 -Autumn fungi

picture2- winter thistle

picture3- summer flowers


Here is some photography I did last year for a competition. The competition was to take pictures of all four seasons, the photos here are my favourites!


All these pictures were taken in the South Downs.




This picture was is fungi growing from a tree by a pathway.

The thing I am most happy with in this picture is the colours. I think the vibrant, almost block, colour orange standing out well against the misty brown background. I am also happy with the composition of this photo.


Picture 2


This picture is of a dead thistle with other thistles in the background.

I admit that the colours of this picture are slightly dull but there is something about the crispness of the foreground that I like about it. Also the atmosphere created by the ice onto of the thistle appeals to the season the photo was for (winter)


This photo was taken in the same place as picture 2, believe it or not.

As you may have guessed I like to use colour in my photography, and in this picture I have lived up to my wishes. I have focused on the pink flower and the little yellow flower however even though purple is the most common colour in this scene I haven’t focused on one of the purple flowers and so the main pink flower looks good against the purple flowers in the background.

Picture 4

This photo was taken by a pathway in spring.

I like the crispness of the flowers and the way the camera also focused on a spider-web however to improve this photo I need more light, ideally a sunrise kind of light.


This is a project I have been working on for a couple of months.


I’m calling it “Look daddy” because of the theme I want this picture to convey. The theme of the picture is childhood and the way a young child sees life.


I choose to use eyes because I always see people at school or just doodling on a page, drawing them so I thought I would do a twist on the usual pencil or pen drawn eyes, so I hand embroidered the eyes with as much detail as possible.

Also I did eyes because I once read some where that “eyes are the windows of your soul” however cheesy that sounds it is true. I mean, when ever I am looking at a portrait of someone I always look at the eyes because some how your eyes always show your emotions. And so I decided that I would put that “to the test” and look into it in detail. And that was one of my goals in this picture.


Again I have done some more machine embroidered butterflies on dissolvable fabric. I’m beginning to think that butterflies are kinda my thing. ;)

I have chosen these particular species of butterflies because these species live on the South Downs were I am growing up. By having these butterflies it adds to the story behind the picture. (I would explain why it adds to the story behind the picture but I think that’s up to you, after all I don’t want to give away everything!)


What I like about this picture is that it’s different to the usual art you see because everything nowadays it themed around violence and stuff like “What has the world come to!!!” but my art piece is positive, it’s themed on how and child sees nature, the world and their obvious joy.


What was challenging about this piece was surprisingly the machine embroidery on dissolvable fabric. I usually use machine embroidery alot and I was expecting the hand embroidery to be difficult and boring but I got into a role of things and really enjoyed it!

Also what was difficult was finding time to do it because if I am not at school I am doing homework so I had to squeeze in time to do the embroidery.


When I framed the eyes, I used a box frame and made some butterflies to sit on the mount rather than at the same level as the eyes. I also fixed one of them outside the glass to give it even more depth.


Lastly I would like to say thank you to my family for helping me with a lot of the artistic decisions I had to make, especially my dad and mum!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter Cupcakes!

Yummy! Cupcakes are not only tasty they are also very fun to make especially the decorating part!

So now it’s the Easter holidays I finally had time to make cakes. I’ve been planning to make cakes since Christmas and finally my plans came true, and what’s a better time to make cakes then at Easter!

Decorating the cakes I think is the most important part of making cupcakes so first I did my research and found inspiration, then I designed my own ideas, it took me a while to get into the piping part of things but soon enough it came back to me.

Two words to sum up these easter cupcakes simple and sweet!