Tuesday, 16 April 2013

seasonal photography

Picture1 -Autumn fungi

picture2- winter thistle

picture3- summer flowers


Here is some photography I did last year for a competition. The competition was to take pictures of all four seasons, the photos here are my favourites!


All these pictures were taken in the South Downs.




This picture was is fungi growing from a tree by a pathway.

The thing I am most happy with in this picture is the colours. I think the vibrant, almost block, colour orange standing out well against the misty brown background. I am also happy with the composition of this photo.


Picture 2


This picture is of a dead thistle with other thistles in the background.

I admit that the colours of this picture are slightly dull but there is something about the crispness of the foreground that I like about it. Also the atmosphere created by the ice onto of the thistle appeals to the season the photo was for (winter)


This photo was taken in the same place as picture 2, believe it or not.

As you may have guessed I like to use colour in my photography, and in this picture I have lived up to my wishes. I have focused on the pink flower and the little yellow flower however even though purple is the most common colour in this scene I haven’t focused on one of the purple flowers and so the main pink flower looks good against the purple flowers in the background.

Picture 4

This photo was taken by a pathway in spring.

I like the crispness of the flowers and the way the camera also focused on a spider-web however to improve this photo I need more light, ideally a sunrise kind of light.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, I especially like the fungi. As you say the colours are vibrant and also looks a bit like a fir cone P x
